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Sweetness Stands Out - Spring Onion Tempura - Recipe Video

A simple and easy to understand recipe video shows how to make Sweetness Stands Out - Spring Onion Tempura.
Introducing fresh and sweet spring onion tempura. Spring onions cook quickly, so they can be made in a short time, and they are sweet and delicious when heated. If you don't like curry flavor, you can eat it with just salt or with granulated kelp tea (Kombu-cha).

Cook time

20 minutes

2 servings

  • Sweet onion
    200 g
  • Tempura flour
    1 tbsp
  • バッター液
  • Tempura flour
    50 g
  • Water
    80 ml
  • Frying oil
    as needed
  • カレー塩
  • Salt
    1/3 tsp
  • Curry powder
    1/4 tsp
  • 飾り用
  • Lemon
    2 slice(s)
  • Parsley
    as needed

How to make

  1. 1. Cut young onion into 8 equal pieces and stick each center with a toothpick.
  2. 2. Dust tempura flour evenly.
  3. 3. Mix tempura flour and water in a bowl to make a batter solution, then coat Step 2 with it.
  4. 4. Pour 1-inch depth of frying oil into a pot, heat to 170℃ (338°F), add Step 3, and deep fry for about 3 minutes.
  5. 5. When it gets crispy, drain off the oil, place on a plate, garnish with lemon, parsley, and curry salt, and it's ready to serve.

Tips for cooking

If you coat the spring onion with tempura flour, then coat it with batter, the batter will not come off, so it will be easy to deep fry. Also, it is convenient to stick a toothpick, so that it's easier to coat onions with batter and it does not fall apart.