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Recommended - Japanese Pickled Plum and Hijiki Seaweed Rice Seasoning (Ume-Hijiki Soft Furikake) - Recipe Video

A simple and easy to understand recipe video shows how to make Recommended - Japanese Pickled Plum and Hijiki Seaweed Rice Seasoning (Ume-Hijiki Soft Furikake).
This is an introduction to Japanese pickled plum and hijiki seaweed rice seasoning (ume-hijiki soft furikake) that makes you want to have white rice. The texture of crunchy Japanese pickled plum (kari kari ume) and the sweet and salty taste makes you want to eat more. You can enjoy it in many ways such as putting it in a Japanese rolled omelet (tamagoyaki) or mixing it with rice. Please try it out!

Cook time

20 minutes

2 servings

  • Japanese mustard spinach
    50 g
  • Dried hijiki seaweed
    10 g
  • Crunchy Japanese pickled plum (Kari kari ume)
  • bonito flakes
    4 g
  • Roasted white sesame seeds
    1 tsp
  • (A)Cooking sake
    1 tbsp
  • (A)Soy sauce
    1 tbsp
  • (A)Sugar
    2 tsp
  • (A)Japanese style granulated soup stock
    1/2 tsp
  • Sesame oil
    1 tbsp

How to make

  1. Prepare. Rehydrate the dried hijiki seaweed according to the instructions on the package and drain.
  2. 1. Cut off the root of Japanese mustard spinach and cut it into 0.4-inch wide pieces.
  3. 2. Remove the seed from crunchy Japanese pickled plums (kari kari ume) and mince it.
  4. 3. Heat the sesame oil in a pan over medium heat and stir-fry Step 1 and dried hijiki seaweed.
  5. 4. Once the oil is blended entirely, add ingredient (A) and braise it over medium heat. When the liquid is reduced, add Step 2, bonito flakes and white roasted sesame seeds, stir-fry quickly, and remove from heat.
  6. 5. Serve in a bowl and it's ready.

Tips for cooking

Japanese mustard spinach can be substituted with other green leafy vegetables such as spinach and bok choy. Please adjust the seasoning to your liking.