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Butter Flavored Seasoned Rice With Salmon and Edamame - Recipe Video

A simple and easy to understand recipe video shows how to make Butter Flavored Seasoned Rice With Salmon and Edamame.
How about butter flavored seasoned rice with salmon and edamame? We cooked rice with salmon, edamame and daikon radish. If you put daikon radish in the seasoned rice, it tastes unexpectedly good. Please give it a try.

Cook time

60 minutes

4 servings

  • Rice
    2 go
  • Sake
    1 slice(s)
  • Sake
    2 tsp
  • Daikon radish
    80 g
  • Edamame
    50 g
  • Water
    350 ml
  • (A)Soy sauce
    1 tbsp
  • (A)Japanese style granulated soup stock
    1 tbsp
  • (A)Japanese sweet cooking wine (Mirin)
    1 tsp
  • Salted butter
    10 g

How to make

  1. Prepare. Wash the rice, let it soak for at least 30 minutes, and drain off the water. Heat and thaw the edamame according to the package description.
  2. 1. Sprinkle cooking sake on the salmon, let it sit for about 5 minutes, and wipe dry with paper towel.
  3. 2. Cut the daikon radish into thin strips.
  4. 3. Remove the edamame from the pods.
  5. 4. Add the rice, ingredient (A) and water, mix together, then place Step 2 and 1 on top and cook it.
  6. 5. When the rice is cooked, add Step 3 and the salted butter, cover with a lid and steam for about 5 minutes.
  7. 6. Remove the bones from the salmon and mix them together. Serve in a rice bowl and it is ready.

Tips for cooking

Edamame changes color, so add it after cooking. We used a rice cooker that can cook 5 rice cooker cups of rice (1.65lb). When cooking, please be careful of prevent spills and scorching, and keep the capacity below the maximum.