混ぜて冷やすだけ!豆腐の高カカオ生チョコ 今日の食べやせ #筋肉料理 今回のレシピは豆腐と高カカオチョコレートで作る生チョコ。 生地の半分が豆腐なので罪悪感ゼロ。 カカオのキレのある風味とコクのある甘みで満足感100。 混ぜて冷やすだけで簡単、ダイエット中のおやつやバレンタイン筋のトレーニングにもおすすめの一品です! ぜひ作ってみてください💪 ▼より分かりやすい長尺動画はこちら https://youtu.be/-b2y3b9WVb0
【English】 ■Ingredients (Makes 9 pieces) - 100g silken tofu - 75g dark chocolate (72% cacao) ★Toppings - 1 tsp cocoa powder - 1 tsp matcha powder - 1 tsp roasted soybean flour (kinako) ■Instructions 1. Wrap the silken tofu in a paper towel, place it on a heat-proof plate, and microwave at 600W for about 1.5 minutes. Let it cool slightly, then strain it through a fine mesh. 2. Place the dark chocolate in a bowl and microwave at 600W for about 1 minute. Stir, then continue heating in 30-second intervals, stirring each time, until fully melted. 3. Combine the strained tofu (from Step 1) and melted chocolate (from Step 2) in a bowl. Mix thoroughly until smooth. 4. Transfer the mixture onto a cutting board lined with plastic wrap. Shape it into a square about 1.5 cm thick, wrap it, and refrigerate for about 1 hour until firm. 5. Cut the chilled block into 9 equal pieces. Divide into three groups, and coat each group with one of the ★ toppings. 6. Arrange on a plate and serve. Enjoy! 【BGM】 のる 様 作曲:Popping Chocolate
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